Life Mastery Defined

what are we trying to achieve?

by: Mike Garrett

Adventurous Woman Hiking at Botanical Beach on the West Coast of Pacific Ocean. Summer Sunny Sunset. Canadian Nature Landscape Background. Port Renfrew near Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
Achieve Total Life Mastery with Spin Positive!

Your Revolution Has a New Goal!

Your revolution for happiness is now your revolution for mastery! For the first six years of its existence, the Spin Positive personal revolution was known as “Your Revolution for Happiness,” and you will still see that verbiage used in Volume #1 of the Master Series. However, I had a profound aha moment one day when the Universe enlightened me to the fact that happiness is only one goal of your personal revolution. It is a very important goal, no doubt, but not the entire intention. The core enlightenment leads us to experience much, much more. It guides us to total life mastery, and happiness is only one part of that achievement. Given this new enlightenment, I’ve rebranded the Spin Positive personal revolution to “Your Revolution for Mastery.”  I will update the verbiage properly in the second edition volumes of the Master Series.

With this new goal defined, it is now necessary to outline what we mean by life mastery. What is included in that term? What will you master as you adventure along on your revolution? In this article, I will clarify what is meant by the term life mastery in terms of Spin Positive. That way, you know what you can expect to master as you go along on your journey. Keep in mind that total life mastery means that you will master your entire experience. There is a lot involved in that process. I simply cannot list every point of mastery in this article; however, I can define for you the main goals. As you advance through the levels of the core enlightenment, you will use its perfect guidance to master the following 10 major areas of your experience:

Objective #1 - Master Your Power

We start with this first and foremost. You are intended to be a powerful being. And when we are talking power in terms of Spin Positive, we are talking about your conscious power. Your consciousness is incredibly potent. It is the same type of energy that makes up the Universe, or however you define your higher power. You have a bit of the Universe’s power installed directly in your being. And once you turn it lose in your life, you can directly manifest incredible improvements and positive change. Unfortunately, a lot of what we do in our modern age strips away our power. We must take steps to unlock it so you can use it to improve your experience. We take the steps to unlock and master your power in Volume #1 of the Master Series.

Objective #2 - Master Your Spirit Core System

This important system comprises your spirituality and the spiritual hardware you have that allows you to connect to the spiritual world around you. Your spirituality and its necessary components are another important part of your power. Through the spiritual realm, guidance and other benefits freely flow, and they are yours for the grasping. They are critical for success during your lifetime. All you must do is tune in properly to receive them. However, there has been no greater war waged against humanity than the one that has stripped us of our true spiritual comprehension and how to properly use it to benefit our lives. We fight back against that war by restoring your understanding of human spirituality early on during your revolution. You cannot master your experience without having full comprehension and mastery of this incredibly powerful core system. Because it is an important part of your power, we take the steps to master it during Volume #1 of the Master Series.

Outdoor portrait of beautiful smiling woman in sunlight. Smiling relaxing woman with boho hippie hair style.
Your Spirituality is Powerful!

Objective #3 - Master Your Higher Power Relationship

This mastery objective goes hand in hand with your spirituality—but takes it a step further. There is a powerful conscious energy working around you and in your life. It would love to help you in any way it can as you progress on your revolution for mastery. As you go along, you will develop a potent conscious relationship with your higher power where you can ask for and direct the resources provided to you through your spirituality. Your higher power is here to guide you—like a powerful sixth sense that is always on and firing. And when a robust conscious relationship is present, everything in your life goes much easier. You simply cannot achieve life mastery without this important accord in place. Your higher power is an important part of your ultimate power. To restore that potency right away, we learn how to foster and strengthen this relationship during our Volume #1 activities.

Destroying our planet virus. Destroying Earth globe. Global catastrophe concept
Your Domain is Yours to Control!

Objective #4 - Master Your Domain

This mastery objective restores and allows you to master your understanding of a very important part of your experience called your domain. Once your power is restored in Volume #1, you will be well on your way to becoming a potent light being known as a lightworker. As a fully sovereign lightworker, you have incredible power to shape the events of your domain, which is the physical and spiritual space that your power gives you full and direct command over. Think of it as a large, energetic bubble that surrounds you and the places you spend the most time in, like your home. This important part of you is constantly under attack by the dark mojoe prevalent in our modern world. And if you don’t master your control over and command of it, the negative energy around you will constantly drag down and wreak havoc on your vibration level, something we will discuss a bit further along in this article. Your domain is also the part of you through which you call upon and deploy angels and other lightworkers to build a powerful army to protect your happiness and health. Angels and lightworkers are here to help you along as you go through your life. You don’t want to miss any opportunities to have powerful help on your revolution. We take the steps to master our domain and everything that goes along with it during Volume #2 of the Master Series.

Objective #5 - Master Your Mind Core System

This important part of you is where your conscious and subconscious mind lives. These crucial bits of your being house a lot of critical components, like your emotional state, your outlook on life, and your perception of the world around you. To master your life, we must make each of these components as healthy and as robust as possible. Your mind core system is also where your past traumas and negative experiences live. And it is where we find emotional discomforts like depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, self-confidence, and substance abuse issues. To master your life, you must rid your experience of these and make all aspects of your mind core system healthy, so it doesn’t have a negative effect on your vibration level moving forward.

How do you do this? By utilizing your conscious power. I’ve already shared that your consciousness is powerful and nearly as potent as the Universe itself. This influential bit of you shapes your reality. It tells you how to interpret the world around you and, most importantly, how to feel about what has been interpreted. Your mind core system controls your emotional state. But you don’t have to be a victim if it isn’t playing nicely. If you suffer from emotional discomforts like depression, anxiety, trauma, or PTSD, or if you simply have bad habits and behaviors you would like to break, you can use your conscious power to reprogram how you interpret and feel about your experience. You will be guided through the steps to accomplish this as you go along. This is a skill that has long been lost to us in the modern age, but one that is necessary to master your experience. We will take steps to make your mind core system as healthy and strong as possible as we go through Volume #3 of the Master Series.

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Objective #6 - Master Your Body Core System

This mastery objective involves your body core system, which encompasses your physical body and all the various processes that make it tick. There is a lot of misinformation and confusion regarding what makes and keeps us healthy. That isn’t an accident. There is a lot of profit to be made in your future poor health. And industries are counting on it. You will use the perfect guidance of the core enlightenment to combat disinformation and improve your overall physical health. You will plan, with enlightenment at the foundation, to take steps to overcome any chronic issues and autoimmune disorders.

Before you are through, you will learn all about the ideal human diet and how you can incorporate it to achieve the highest level of health possible. Following your intended diet is the single most powerful objective you can accomplish for your physical health. Even Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” The proper diet keeps you healthy and can reverse disease processes already taking place. We will nail down exactly what that means for us as human beings.

You can’t master your experience without mastering your health. We will tackle that mastery objective in Volume #4 of the Master Series.

Objective #7 - Master Your Life Purpose

You have a reason for being- a purpose, and an incredibly important one at that. You have a contribution to make to humanity as great as Einstein, Tesla, Mozart, or any other figure considered great by historical standards. You are that important. Your purpose will help drive humanity forward in ways that only it can. And we are counting on you, as humanity, to get to work figuring out what that is and how to add it to our collective advancement. Your purpose is a big part of life mastery. This experience won’t be mastered until you are on the path of it and pursuing it with vigor. We will use the perfect guidance of the core enlightenment to unlock and master yours as we make our way through Volume #5 of the Master Series.

Happy girl in the meadows tuscan with colorful balloons, against the blue sky and green meadow. Tuscany, Italy
You Have an Incredible Life Purpose!

Objective #8 - Master Your Zenith Being

There is a state we can achieve during our physical lives that mimics what is described as nirvana. In that space, we experience sublime peace and tranquility in our being. And we commune with the spiritual world in a manner that cannot be attained through any other means. It is the melding place between the here and there. In that space, incredible discoveries can be made. While this state is difficult to maintain given our hectic, modern lives, it is a place we should all plan to visit, at least once, before we leave this mortal coil. For the sake of Spin Positive, we call this your zenith being, and it is the absolute highest and best version of yourself—where you achieve a powerful, energetic sync with the spiritual dimension around you. As you enjoy this space, your vibration level is as high as it can possibly be. It is wonderful to experience. We will guide you there during our Master Series Volume #6 activities.

Light passing through water. Illustration of beams of light against a dark background
Your Vibration Level is the Master Clock for Your Entire Experience!!

Objective #9 - Master Your Vibration Level

You are an incredibly energetic being. In fact, there is more energy about you than physical bits. Even your physical atoms are comprised more of energy than matter. And the energetic bits of you are, of course, one hundred percent energy. You are energy through and through, and your overall energy is measured through your vibration level. Your vibration level is the master clock at which your entire being operates. It controls virtually every aspect of your experience, including your mood, outlook on life, and physical health. When your vibration level is low, you experience poorer moods and less satisfaction with your life, more sickness and chronic disease, and less hope for the future. When it is high, you experience the opposite effects. Your overall and sustainable mood improves, as does your satisfaction with your life and how things are going. You experience less sickness and complications from chronic illnesses. And perhaps most importantly, you have hope for the future, and you look forward to what is in store as much as possible.

Your vibration level controls your happiness and satisfaction and plays a big role in mastering your experience. You will learn all about it as you go along, and you will create a master plan along the way to raise and protect your vibration level moving forward. We accomplish steps to this end during every volume of the Spin Positive Master Series. In fact, one of our main goals is to get your vibration level to spin positive as much as possible. It is so important to life mastery that the name of the entire program reminds us.

Objective #10 - Master Your Understanding of Your Experience

The things we accomplish on your revolution for mastery will inevitably lead you toward a very powerful phenomenon that, once it occurs, will shift your paradigm forever. The world will look different to you. And you will have a new perspective on where humanity finds itself in the grand scheme of things. We call this phenomenon an awakening. Your awakening lifts the veil of oppressive blindness you have been living under since your very young days. This blindness is an inevitable experience in our modern age. Once lifted, you will see oppression play out around you in horrific ways. And given the humanity inside of you, a desire will burn to fight it. Once this fire ignites, it cannot be extinguished during this lifetime.

You will be shown that a very important energy war is playing out all around us. And we aren’t talking about fossil fuels. And unfortunately, you will see that darkness is currently winning on the beautiful battlefield called Earth. We call this darkness dark mojoe and this negative, evil, greedy energy is leading humanity to our ultimate destruction and taking our beautiful planet and all the incredible life found here, down in the process. More details on this battle will be revealed in Volume #5 of the Master Series.

I feel it is important to note that one of my main objectives with Spin Positive is to put power back in our pockets as a collective humanity to fight dark mojoe and the oppression you will witness head-on. One person at a time, I intend to build a powerful army of Spin Positive Masters–spiritual badasses spinning positive to do good things all around the world. We will win the war against oppressive forces with positive energy. And I promise you that Spin Positive is the roadmap to victory. It will take a collective effort to turn things around. And I would certainly love for you to be a part of things.

By the time you reach the end of your revolution for mastery, you will have a complete, master-level understanding of what is playing out around you and how you fit into the bigger picture. And most importantly, what you can do about it. You can then use your power and the powerful tools you learn to master along the way to make a positive impact, both in your personal life and on the world around you.

Final Thoughts

These are the ten objectives you must complete to achieve total life mastery in terms of Spin Positive. Once they have all been accomplished, you will have a mastery of this experience that is second to none. You will have the power to take complete control of your life and guide yourself toward happiness, purpose, and prosperity. My goal with Spin Positive isn’t to be your life coach. My goal is to unlock the power inside of you so that you can discover your own perfect guidance. I then want you to follow that guidance to discover your purpose and make your incredible contribution to the world around you. I’m looking forward to seeing what the Universe unlocks in you!

We accomplish every one of these objectives through the Spin Positive Master Series, where you will become your own life mastery expert backed by perfect guidance. I hope you decide to begin your revolution with the powerful core enlightenment today with Volume #1. The Master Series is the martial art for life mastery, and it will lead you to amazing discoveries. I hope to see you along the way.

From behind making the victory symbol, a black ethnic girl with braids, traveler, in a field of yellow flowers

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Spin Positive Total Life Mastery

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