Meet the Curator

Mike Garrett

Meet The Curator Mike Garrett
Mike Garrett, Life Mastery Expert and Curator of Spin Positive

Greetings and Welcome!

My name is Mike Garrett, and I am here to share my life mastery expertise to guide you to master your own experience and step into the most satisfying life possible. Over the course of the past twelve years, I have studied and applied the core enlightenment of Spin Positive to help myself and others achieve life mastery. I can confidently say that over the course of my journey, I have figured this experience out. I can take you as far as you’d like to go in the life mastery department. The core enlightenment is like an owner’s manual for the human condition. And I currently know it better than anyone else.

But that statement won’t be true for long if I have my way. I firmly believe that the core enlightenment is the most powerful wisdom ever assembled in one place for humanity, and my goal in life is to share it with as many people as possible. In fact, I call myself the curator of Spin Positive because I am simply safeguarding and managing the core enlightenment temporarily until I share it with the rest of humanity. At that point, we will all be curators with the ability to use this potent wisdom to make incredible advancements all around the world. 

I thought it would be an excellent idea for me to briefly introduce myself and share with you a bit about how I discovered the great enlightenment of Spin Positive. That way, you can better understand who I am, where this powerful wisdom came from, and why I feel it can help you master your life. I hope that by sharing these things, you can have the same confidence in this wisdom that I have–and I hope you put it into play to bring about amazing discoveries and immeasurable positive changes.

Where It All Began

There was a time, many years ago now, when I was as unhappy, depressed, and emotionally broken as a person can be. Every day of my life was spent in the darkest place imaginable. Each waking minute was total misery due to the many emotional discomforts and physical ailments I suffered. Things were so bad my unhappiness was killing me. I had tried every conventional avenue available to help me turn things around, but for me–like millions of other unhappy people, nothing I tried helped improve things. As the years progressed, so did my unhappiness, poor health, and the alcoholism I developed to cope with these issues.

My Lowest Point

My lowest point came when it looked like my alcoholism would kill me long before I could get things sorted out. At this point in my story, I had fed an insatiable appetite for alcohol for fifteen long, destructive years, and my drinking had damaged my body beyond repair. It wouldn’t be long before my story would come to its premature conclusion. But I didn’t want to die. I wanted to live with all of my being. But by this point, I had nowhere else to turn. I had been down every available avenue for help. It was at this point that asked for a miracle. I appealed to the most powerful conscious energy ever manifested for help–the power most people refer to as God. I call it the Universe these days. I put in a request to the Universe for a miracle, and it came through for me in a big way.

In nearly the blink of an eye, it saved me from the alcoholism I was suffering from and was killing me. And over only a few short hours, it repaired all the damage my drinking had caused to my physical body. It was a complete and total miracle–there is simply no other explanation for what had happened. Following my miraculous healing, it led me on the very first revolution for mastery, where it shared with me everything I needed to revolutionize my life and get to the bottom of the issues causing my unhappiness and poor health. Now, I am happier and healthier than I ever thought possible–and I continue to find new levels of joy daily!

As the Universe led me on my revolution, it shared an incredible treasure trove of vital information called enlightenment. I used this information to dig myself out of the giant hole of unhappiness I was living in. I put what I learned into play in my life- one step at a time- until I had wholly revolutionized my situation and eliminated all the things preventing total life mastery. It was quite a journey, and I will share more about it with you in the first volume of the Spin Positive Master Series.

"Prior to my revolution with the core enlightenment, if you had told me I'd be helping people master their lives someday, I wouldn't have believed it. But here I am--leading others to mastery with Spin Positive.!" - Mike Garrett.

Spin Positive is for Everyone

Before sending me down the path of my revolution, the Universe made it clear that it wasn’t only sharing things for my benefit. I was supposed to use the wisdom to make myself well and then share what I had learned with the rest of the world–to help them master their lives too. So, I took great notes as I went through–and what I learned became Spin Positive. I can’t take all the credit for what I am sharing. I am merely passing along what was given to me. But the good news is that Spin Positive is universal–meaning what worked for me will work for everyone. It truly is “humanity’s handbook for happiness.” It outlines the ideal life we are supposed to live if we want to enjoy the happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilled lives possible.

As it turns out, the Universe is vested in our life mastery. It wants everyone to master their lives and pursue their life purpose effectively. And to help us get there, it has shared the core enlightenment that eventually became Spin Positive. I will explain more about the Universe and its interest in our lives as we go along. I will also share more about my story and how the Universe shared all the vital information that makes up Spin Positive in volume #1 of the Master Series.

Final Thoughts

The core enlightenment of Spin Positive has changed my life forever in ways I couldn’t have imagined before beginning my revolution with this powerful wisdom. Not only has it allowed me to take control of my health and happiness, but it has also led me to the path of my life purpose, something that would have eluded me without intervention. It took the Universe’s help to find my true purpose of leading others to life mastery with Spin Positive. And you may need a bit of help to discover your purpose as well. The good news is with Spin Positive, life mastery is well within your reach and I’d love to help guide you to achieve it!

If you are looking to get more out of your life, I hope you begin your revolution today and start mastering your experience. Life is too short, and you deserve life mastery. And If you are willing to put in the work, it is right around the corner. Spin Positive is the roadmap that will lead you there. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck.

Thanks for checking this out.

-Mike Garrett
Spin Positive

For the Record

Here is a rundown of some of the most critical issues the core enlightenment of Spin Positive has helped me overcome:

  • Severe chronic unhappiness
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Anhedonia
  • Crippling constant anxiety
  • Raging frustration at the most minor inconveniences
  • Post-traumatic stress from past events
  • Agoraphobia
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Migraine headaches
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Morbid Obesity
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Gluten Intolerance/possible Celiac disease
  • Substance abuse and addiction issues
  • Demyelinating nerve issues (the onset of a horrific autoimmune nerve disorder has been in remission since 2018)
  • Chronic back pain
  • Severe joint pain and inflammation
  • Chronic hives
  • GERD
  • Chronic insomnia
  • Low self-esteem and confidence issues
  • Negative thought patterns and outlook on life
  • Pessimistic filter
  • Severe hopelessness
  • I was on a total of 16 different prescription medications to treat a host of issues–and was told I’d be on them forever. As of this writing, I take 0 prescription medications and am healthier than ever!

I can’t legally say that Spin Positive will help you overcome any of these things, but I can say that it is worth a try to see if and how it can help you. My life is immeasurably better today than before I began my revolution, and perhaps yours can be too. You deserve life mastery, and Spin Positive can help you get there. Begin your revolution for mastery today with Volume #1 of the Spin Positive Master Series!

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Spin Positive Total Life Mastery

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